RDE300i Event Codes provide information on status, warning, or error conditions. 

Event Codes are displayed in the System tab of the RDE300i Configuration Manager and can also be read from an RDE300i Modbus register. 

Refer to the table below for explanations of the Event Codes. For more information on RDE300i setup, refer to RDE300i User Guide.

Event CodeTypeNotes and Resolution
1: Insufficient device powerErrorCheck that sufficient power is supplied to the RDE300i
2: Hardware errorErrorSee Recovery from Event Code 8, Event Code 2, Status 2 Errors.

Or contact Atonometrics
3: Invalid module temperature readingErrorCheck the RTD connection, cable, and sensor
4: Check AUX device power and communicationErrorMay occur in system configurations involving a Leader RDE300i unit with devices connected to the AUX port. Ensure sufficient power is supplied to the Leader unit and that any AUX port cables are connected and working properly.

For system configuration terminology refer to RDE300i User Guide.

For detailed system configuration diagrams, including sensor combinations and network cabling and power requirements, refer to Soiling Measurement Products Ordering Guide.
5: High module current/voltageErrorIV sweeps or other measurements on the Module input (M+/M-) may be aborted due to measurements over hardware limits.

Ensure PV module voltage, current, and power applied to Module input are within specifications in RDE300i User Guide.
6. High string current/voltageErrorMeasurements on the String input (S+/S-) may be aborted due to measurements over hardware limits.

Ensure voltage and current at the String input are within specifications in RDE300i User Guide.
7: IV sweep timeoutErrorContact Atonometrics
8: Internal communication errorErrorInternal communication error occurred.

Let the RDE300i unit run overnight. If the internal communication error persists, contact Atonometrics.

If immediate recovery is required, use the recovery procedure found here: Recovery from Event Code 8, Event Code 2, Status 2 Errors.

A future software update will fix this error.

100: PV module not detectedWarningThis Event Code, a Warning, is issued when the detected module current is <0.3A or the module voltage is <5V.

If this code is issued at night or when irradiance is low (<200 W/m2) you may ignore it.

If this code is issued during the day when irradiance is high (>200 W/m2):
  • It suggests that no module is detected at the Module input (M+/M-). 
  • This condition may occur during setup and configuration if no module is connected. If the setup and configuration step being performed does not require a connected module, you may ignore this message.
  • If a PV module should be connected to the Module input but this code occurs, check the module cabling. If the code persists, disconnect the module and confirm that the module is operating properly by using separate equipment. 
  • If the module operation and cable function are confirmed by this Event Code persists, contact Atonometrics.
101: Cool downInformationThe IV sweep circuitry is cooling down following a high power IV sweep. No user action is required. This is an informational code only.
300: No communication from Leader to AUX device(s)WarningThis Event Code, a Warning, may occur if a device added to the System configuration is not detected on the AUX network.

Check that any devices selected in the System configuration are connected and configured properly. Note that devices connected to the AUX network must have communication parameters set according the requirements shown on the System tab of the RDE300i Configuration Manager software. If devices are connected but are not configured to the correct communication settings, the RDE300i Leader unit will not be able to connect to the devices.

For detailed system configuration diagrams, including sensor combination options and network cabling and power requirements, refer to Soiling Measurement Products Ordering Guide.

For configuration and normalization of system configurations involving devices connected to the AUX port, refer to Configuring and Normalizing Multi-RDE300i Systems.