Configuration and Normalization for Soiling, Bifacial Gain, and Other Multi-Unit Performance Index Applications

Two or More RDE300i Units - 880096-01

Systems with two or more RDE300i units can be used for measuring soiling losses or bifacial gain. Follower modules are compared with a Leader module which serves as a reference for the RDE300i Leader to calculate a Performance Index for each module. For example, the power output of a soiled Follower could be compared with the output of a clean Leader. 

We designate these system types as "Module-Module".

To configure and normalize systems with two or more RDE300i units, follow instructions in document 880096-01, "Configuration and Normalization Guide for Multi-RDE300i Systems," available via the link at the bottom of this page.

RDE300i With Mars and/or RC22  - 880096-02

Incorporating Mars and RC22 in a system with RDE300i can allow for automated measurement of module Performance Index values. When Mars is used, manual cleaning can be eliminated. 

We designate these system types as "Module-Cell" or "Module-Cell-Optical".

Instructions for integrating Mars and/or RC22 with RDE300i are provided in document 880096-02, "Configuration and Normalization Guide for RDE300i with Mars and RC22", available via the link at the bottom of this page. 

Related Documents

  • User Guide: For instructions on installing and configuring RDE300i, see document 880093, RDE300i User Guide.
  • Ordering Guide: For additional information on RDE300i system options for soiling measurement, including use of multiple RDE300i systems and/or combinations of RDE300i with Mars and/or RC22, see document 880100, Soiling Measurement Products Ordering Guide, which includes system descriptions and cabling options.