The Mars Data Download Tool, Atonometrics part number 500082, is a Windows software utility that downloads raw data from your Mars unit for further analysis by Atonometrics. 

Note: Customer support on Mars units typically only requires downloading the Mars log files. These can downloaded directly from the Mars web interface, as shown in the Mars User Guide. Only use the Mars Data Download Tool when directed by Atonometrics.


  • Use the link at the bottom of this page to download the Mars Data Download Tool .zip file, then unzip the zip file to a convenient location on your PC, such as the desktop.
  • To run the software utility, double-click on the .exe file in the unzipped folder:

  • You may be prompted to download and install the latest version of the .NET library. If so, please follow the instructions to download and install .NET, and then return to the utility.
  • Connect your PC via Ethernet to your Mars unit, ensuring your PC’s Ethernet adapter subnet matches the Mars unit’s subnet. Also, the Mars unit must be powered.
  • Enter the Mars unit's IP address.
  • NOTE: As of version 6229 and higher the software will automatically take the most recent data. (On previous versions you must specify the date range to download.)

  • Click “Download Files” to initiate the download. The software utility will download raw data files. This process may take 5-15 minutes.


  • Once complete, the software utility will automatically compress the downloaded data into one or more zip files, which will be stored in the same folder as the software .exe. The file names will include “MarsSupportFiles” and the date. There will be a “.zip” and possibility additional files “.z01”, “.z02” etc. 

  • Please upload all of the MarsSupportFiles zip file(s) to Atonometrics once you have returned to a location with high-speed internet access. 
  • Click to use the Atonometrics Upload Box. This will allow you to upload the files and have them automatically sent to Atonometrics.